Monday, October 5, 2009


For the last couple of years our family has struggled. Struggled with finances, struggled with life, struggled with daily activities. Our most recent struggle has been with our feelings regarding church attendance . We have struggled with getting up, getting out the door, and actually staying there when we did make it. We would go for a few weeks, take 2 or 3 weeks off, go for a week or two, then not go. After a lot of talk we've decided that for our family right now, we are not going to be attending church. I know this is probably going to come as a shock to most of you. Believe me, it is kind of shocking to us too. We never thought that we would be in this situation, but here we are. It isn't just one thing that has effected our decision to not go. We haven't been offended by anyone, we have a great ward! At this time we just feel it's the right move for our family. It feels like a big weight was lifted off our shoulders once we decided to do what WE needed to do. Please do not take offense to our decision. We still like everyone in the ward, and have told the kids that they are more than welcome to go to their activities and even go to church if they would like. So far, I don't think they are interested. It is going to be a change in our family and for right now it feels like a better one! This may be a permanent change and it may not, we'll just see how it plays out! We love each and every one of you that is a part of our family. We love our families and understand that for most of them this is going to be something that is difficult for them to understand! Please just don't harp on us and look down on us! It's what we've decided and it isn't just some rash decision that we've made. We've talked and talked and feel that this is what we need to do at this time in our lives. Thanks and know that we love you all!!


Tonya said...

I'm sorry you guys have been struggling so much. I won't harp on you, but I will be praying for you.

Emily said...

Wow, Lori. This is a big change. I hope that your family will be able to find the peace and comfort that you are searching for. Love you.

smiliesar said...

My heart aches for you. I won't lie. I love you and your family. I will also pray for you! HUGS!

Alisha said...

:( :( :(

I'll miss seeing you guys around church! (Hopefully you'll miss us, too, and be back soon! :))

Mrs. Fowden said...

I totally understand what you mean. I have taken a break as well and it was a needed break because I felt like I was going to mass because it was what I "should be doing" not because I wanted to be there. There are some other underlying factors, but that is the main reason. Lately I have been thinking more and more about going back and I feel that I will, but I am still not ready. Hang in there! Loves!

Julee and Matt said...

As long as you are happy...I am happy for you. :)

Jessi said...

I'm just curious. Why not choose the alternative and go to church every week? From my experience, immersing myself in the gospel brings far greater peace and comfort from struggles than pulling away from it. Life is hard. But there are promised blessings that come when you rely on the Lord and let Him help you carry your burdens. And there is power in keeping covenants. (Read Elder Christofferson's talk on covenants from this past April General Conference.)

Please know that I speak directly not out of judgment but because I think you are great and want you and your family to be happy. I know that happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved by living gospel principles. The gospel won't remove your struggles. But it can make them much easier to bear.

Much love.

Andrea said...

I have tears in my eyes.. I have been in this exact same spot more often then once. I can feel you are going through some hard times right now, I am really sorry..
Know that I am always here, I really LOVED our girls trip! maybe we will have to plan more some more often :)
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayer, I too hope you find happiness with the weight being lifted off. I just really loved how honest you were in your post. I have felt like that, still feel like that, and I am sure, REALLY sure there are Lots of others that feel like that, however just do not want to say it. No one shoud " harp " on you, this is your dicission with your husband and family. Shocked to hear but I love you still the same :)
Are you still doing your candles? I would love to have a party here at my house.. Do you think people would drive out here from gresham?
Take care...

Loridee said...


I am still doing candles and would love to have a party for you! I can do them Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't see why people wouldn't drive out from Gresham. It's not that far!! Let me know!

Eryn said...

My heart aches to hear your fam has been struggling. Your honesty in this post is admirable.
Ah, the beauty of free agency! I know that your friends and family (and your Heavenly Father) will love you regardless of the choices you make. What a loss for your ward, though, because you are so cool! I also know that true happiness and peace comes from living the gospel. May you learn from your journey and find the peace that you need! Much love