Monday, October 26, 2009

Family Dinner, Halloween Party

This is the oh 8th year I believe that we've done a halloween party. Most years it consists of just our family or our family and some close friends. This year it was just our immediate family and we had a fun time. We were sad that mom couldn't make it, long story short, bartender called in sick, no one to replace. Dad came because we were celebrating his birthday! The kids played a game as soon as everyone got there. They get a paper put on their backs stating a halloween reference. They have to guess who they are by asking yes or no questions and then they get a prize. I think I made them tooo easy this year. Greg and Melinda made Kaluah pork for dinner and it was delicious!! We had Pumpkin pie for dessert! Dad opened his gifts which consisted on cologne and cologne and!! I was going to get him cologne but opted out and got him a gift certificate to applebees, which he and mom frequent often. We played the Mother Hen game, it's a given every year. This year team 2 won by a fair amount!! Everyone had a good time and of course we couldn't end the evening without our annual trick-or-treating around the house. The kids ended up with an awesome amount of candy. Mom and Dad always bring the most and the kids all flock around them to get every last bit of candy!! It was a fun year!! Thanks everyone for making it a great yearly experience!!


Andrea said...

Looks like a fun time! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys were able to have the party with the new addition to the family and all. It is always hard when someone misses. It is so fun to see pictures of your family.

Tonya said...

It was fun, as usual:0) Thanks for planning it all. And that pork was was the popcorn. YUM!