Thursday, November 19, 2009

Got home from work this morning at 1:30am...on my bed sprawled out across the whole thing lay 5 little letters written to Santa Claus. Each one delicately written out and stamped beautifully by the child it was from. The kid aren't asking for much this year. Surprising I know. The girls both said that they wanted their own bedrooms for Christmas, knowing that there's no way that's going to happen, but a kid can dream right? Their wish may come true at the start of the year when we are thinking of adding on a room to the basement. There was a common thread in all of the letters, a webkinz, which Santa always pulls through and gets them one. This year they may be disappointed in what they get, because Costco didn't have the ones they asked for and heck they were much cheaper there than getting them somewhere else. Both boys asked for deoderant and cologne...REALLY? I don't think they need it but hey I'm happy to obligue, it's a cheap want!! We'll see how Santa comes through this year!! The Christmas music came out the day after Halloween. We've been listening to Pandora every chance we get...I have it playing on my phone constantly and have even figured out how to listen to it in the car over all the speakers...commercial free radio..gotta love it!! I'm counting down the days when I can put the fall away and get out the Christmas decorations. Last year we didn't do much in the house cause we were spending the holidays in Utah, this year we're going all out...that is if I can get to the Christmas stuff in the back of the garage, where a tornado, the children, seemed to hit!


Tonya said...

My kids have been making their lists, too. I love how they lined up their letters on your bed! Sweet. What in the world is Pandora?