Monday, April 7, 2008

Conference Weekend

Unfortunately we didn't get much conference in this weekend. We watched the afternoon sessions both Saturday and Sunday. I found it hard to wake up at 9:00 to watch conference after getting to bed at 5am. Saturday night my lovely visiting teacher dropped by breakfast for our family for Sunday morning. She made us overnight french toast with whipping cream and strawberries. Everyone thought it was very delicious!! Thanks Emily! I enjoyed listening to the sessions of conference that we did get in. I now have to figure out which topic I would like to prepare a family home evening for! I just joined a FHE group and hope that it will be good for me to do! We aren't all that great at holding FHE so hopefully it will help us out having lessons prepared and ready to go!


Tonya said...

What a nice visiting teacher! Now, when are you going to drop that off at my house??? Conference was a little bit hit and miss at our house too. We totally lost Sunday afternoon session. The T.V. went black and then nothing. HMMMM.....good idea about the FHE group. The Friend magazine stories are always our lessons, unless I feel inspired to do something else. Like, a few weeks ago I burned dinner( not on purpose!) and so we went out to Mexican food and did a little lesson in the car on the way there!0)