Friday, March 7, 2008

~~Hubby Tag~~

What is his name? Shule, Hon

How long have you been married? 12.5 years

Who long did you date? about 6 months (officially)

How old is he?34

Who eats more sweets? That would definitely be me!

Who said I love you first? He did on one of our many late night phone calls.

Who is taller? He is.

Who can sing better? I think both of us sing equally.

Who is smarter? Hands down, Shule is.

Who does the laundry? Me

Who pays the bills? it used to be me, but now that i'm working we both pay it!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does!

Who mows the lawn? Most of the time me!

Who cooks dinner? cooking dinner? I cook dinner for lots of people at work, I work nights and Shule likes to just grab something fast food while i'm at work. We only eat a cooked meal on Sundays basically...I know not healthy at all!!

Who drives? He does most of the time when we are together.

Who is more stubborn? He is, I would say!

Who kissed who first? He asked me if he could kiss me!

Who asked who out first? This is a tricky one, I made the first advances, but it was while he was on his mission. I know naughty girl!

Who proposed? He did. He surprised me in the middle of the night with a knock on the door. Then his exact words were " you don't think I drove all this way for nothin do ya?" and then he gave me the ring! :)

Who has more siblings? He does...2 brothers and 3 sisters

Who wears the pants? He does, when I'm not home. hee hee

I tag whomever wants to do it!


Julee and Matt said...

I just laughed when I read this. I totally remember when Shule was a missionary!! That's crazy it's been 12 years...where did the time go?

Tonya said...

Hi Lor. We know you wear the pants:0) I want french fries with runny cheese sauce! I am putting this on every comment until it's on the menu:0)

Tina said...

That was fun to read more about your husband! I thought it was a good idea to let people know a little about them since I usually just talk about the kid's!

Tina said...

I know what you mean, here are a few web sites you can get them at
that is where I got this one, you just follow the steps on the right side you, it took me awhile to figure it out so if you need help let me know if you like any of those ones.
another web site is
There you go- enjoy looking at them, I still don't like mine so it will probably change again!