Friday, November 16, 2007

What's up with me?

I realize that it's been forever since I posted!! It's been busy around here and when I came to download bunches of pictures off the camera the other day, the usb cord magically disappeared. I still haven't found it. So, I will post without words for awhile, until I can order a new cord!

Halloween was fun for the kids. For the first time in 11 years, I wasn't there to take them trick-or-treating thanks to work! I enjoyed my time at work, but missed taking the kids trick-or-treating, but they got to spend the time with daddy! So, that's good. We managed to get most of the kids in their costumes, but somehow, Sp didn't get a picture, and neither did Jn. I guess I could dress them up just for the heck of it, so we have it on record. This year the kids chose their own costumes, except for Spencer of course, who was the cowardly lion. He looked so cute. and Chad several different costumes this year, some of which included, goth girls, an army brat flirt, and a dead chearleader. Jh and Jn were both Ninjas. DH dressed up as Popeye and I as Pippy Longstocking! It was a fun Halloween and the kids came home with LOTS of candy! All of which is already gone! :) I think Jh and Jn ate most of it! Little Piggies!!

Sp popped his 7th tooth this week! Aww...a happy baby again. I can't remember the other kids teething affecting them as much as it is him!! But now we have a happy baby at least for the time being.

I am enjoying my job and looking forward to spend the the Thanksgiving Holiday with the family!!

DH's last day at Washington County was today and he will be starting a new job at Kaiser Permanente this coming week. We are very blessed to have him start right away into something new. He was hoping to have more of a break between jobs so that he could study more for the LSAT but it is a huge blessing!!

We are doing well and just waiting for the house to sale. It's such a slow market right now, there's not even any lookers! Makes it kinda hard to sale. But we're hanging in there are are praying that a miracle happens.

Anyway...I wil post more later!! Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures soon!!


Julee and Matt said...

You are alive! I am so glad. Can't wait to see the pictures of the kids at Halloween.

rachel said...

I feel your usb cord pain. Mine isn't lost, but for some reason my computer doesn't "recognize" it any longer. Very frustrating!!

AND I feel your home not selling pain! Ours, too, is on the market with no lookers. (((sigh))) If it's meant to be, it will be...right???

Sally F said...

Hey, Lori! Good to see your comment on Jessi's blog. Your family is so cute! They definitely have some Tripp in them, huh?

Sounds like you had a great Halloween. Hope to see the pictures soon!

MK said...

It is good to catch up with you. Sounds like you are all surviving. We hope you have a good holiday.

Fab7 Family said...

Wazzup? It was fun finding your website (thanks to Sal's link). I hope Shule's job change goes smoothly (and the house selling goes quickly)!