Thursday, February 19, 2009

A to Z

For those of you who have never done this, It's FUN! Give it a try, Replace my answers with Your Own!
.A- Available: nope-
Age: 31 almost 32
Annoyance: When people chew with their mouth open
Animal: 1 dog 2 cats and a hamster-
Beer: YUCK-
Birthday: April 2nd-
Best Friend: Shule/ Marie Shae Kari
Body Part on opposite sex: eyes-
Best feeling in the world: love-
Blind or Deaf: deaf-
Best weather: sunny & 75-
Been in Love: still am-
Been on stage?: yes against my liking
Believe in Magic: no-
Believe in Santa: no
C- Candy: chocolates-
Color: pink-
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla-
Chinese/Mexican Food: mexican-
Cake or pie: cake-
Cheese: tillamook Mmmmmm
D- Day or Night: depends on what I'm doing...but but I guess night-
Dancing in the rain: done it before
E- Eyes: hazel-
Everyone's got: a flaw-
Ever failed a class?: yep
F- First thoughts waking up: Ugg I have to get up again-
Food: is yummy!!
G- Greatest Fear: losing someone I love-
Gum: orbits- any flavor will do
Get along with your parents?: YEP, they're the best
H- Hair Color: Really dark brown almost black-
Height: 5'5"-
Happy: most the time-
Holiday: Christmas-
How do you want to die: sleeping
I- Ice Cream: Chocolate chip mint-
Instrument: I am not musical at all
J- Jewelry: My wedding ring - and normally a necklace and earrings
Job: Day-full time mom, night- cook/bartender
Kids: yep 5 2 girls and a 3 boys
Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing-
Keep a journal?: sometimes
Love: My family, my church, my friends-
Laughed so hard you cried: uh..yes
Milk flavor: chocolate or strawberry
Movies: comedy, I love to laugh-
Motion sickness: not till I had kids-
McD’s or BK: BK
N- Number: 7
O- One wish: to have a maid... haha
P- Perfect Pizza: pietros I love thier crust
Pepsi/Coke: Coke as long as it's diet
aQ- Quail: Cute little suckers
R- Reason to cry: a sad movie-
Reality T.V.: don't watch it much anymore
Radio Station: charlie 97.1-
Roll your tongue in a circle: Yes-
Ring size: 8
S- Song: Me and you by Cassie
Sheo size: 9.5-
Salad Dressing: Ranch or poppyseed
Sushi: gag!-
Skinny dipped?:many a time-
In the shower?: Aaaa.... I wash my hair....-
Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries
T- Tattoos?: no thanks-
Time for bed: 1, 2, 3, etc-
Thunderstorms: awesome
U- Unpredictable: Spencer
V- Vacation spot(s): anywhere away from my everyday cleaning and laundry!!
W- Weakness: I'm shy I take awhile to open up....-
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Marie-
Who makes you laugh the most: Spencer-
Worst feeling: failure-
Wanted to be a model: Heck no-
Worst Weather?: RAIN I hate it!!
X- X-Rays: ....a long long time ago
Y-Year it is now: 2009-
Yellow: spring time
Z- Zoo animal: Elephants

1. Slept in a bed beside you? Shule
2. You went to the mall with?Shule
3. You went to dinner with? Shule
4. You talked to on the phone? Shaye
5. Made you laugh? Spencer
6. Hugged you? Spencer
7. Said they loved you? Shule
8. Held your hand? Shule
9. You spoke with? Sariah
10. You cried over? I don't know