Thursday, September 6, 2007

And the FUN begins!!!

With school in motion now and schedules set, it seems that life would be heading back to normal. Well I suppose with last years homework troubles with S, I guess it is back to normal!! The second day of school and already attitude about homework!! Oh the joys of school and life!! It's been a whirl wind of a day!! I took Jn to the doctor today and found out that he has bronchitis!! Yippee at least he has the weekend and some of next week to whip it out of his system. Him and Jh don't start school until next week!! I will post pics on their big day!! Thanks for listening to me vent :)


Julee and Matt said...

If it's not one thing it's another. That's what I have decided when you have kids. And I can't believe your girls have attitude...where do they get that from? :) Hope everyone will adjust soon to school, homework and set bedtimes. Love ya!

MK said...

I hope Jaren is doing better and is able to go to school this week! Good luck getting back on to your regular schedules!