Wednesday, August 15, 2007


August 15, 1995!!

My how the time has flown by!!

Today we celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary!!

Look how young we were!

12 years and 5 children later we are a happy family!!

We have had a happy marriage and a happy life!! Our children are our pride and joy!! I am amazed at how fast everyone seems to grow!! The kids are growing fast!!

S just celebrated her 11th birthday and is going into middle school this year! It seems not so long ago that we were celebrating the birth of our first child! Just a couple months shy of 2 we welcomed our second child C and now she is 9! She is going into the 4th grade this year!! Almost 5 years after C was born, and 18 months of trying to have another child we were blessed with Jh and Jn. They are now 5 and starting kindergarten this year! (bittersweet :))They are extremely excited to be going to school and to ride the school bus. We went school shopping yesterday and they got thier backpacks and now they don't want to take them off. They are walking all around the house with them!!

Now 12 years later we have welcomed a new addition to our family! Spe although a challenging baby has been a joy to have around! He keeps us all ooing and awwing at his growth! The kids have really enjoyed seeing how much he changes daily! He finally cut his two bottom teeth and just this week has learned to sit up on his own!! YIPEE!! It won't be long till he's crawling around and mobile!

Time has been good to us and we are extremely grateful for what the Lord has given to our family! We have had our challenging times and continue to have them, but we have faith that the Lord will see us through them!!
(we've all changed since then, but here's our happy family)


Julee and Matt said...

12 years! I can't believe it, I remember when you two got married. We can't be getting that old already, can we? Congrats on 12 years and 5 kids, you are amazing. We love you guys!

MK said...

Congratulations you guys! Hope you had a great anniversary! Love you both and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't believe it has been 12 years either. I remember before children shule and you would come over to mom and dads and we would lay card games. Oh! THe great memories. We love you guys. Take care.